Sunday, November 14, 2010

Blue circle

14th Nov   World Diabetes Day

Brief introductory:
Diabetes mellitus is a type of disease when you have blood glucose higher than normal range, which is 3.8 - 6.0 mmol/L when you are fasting. There are two types of diabetes, Type 1 and 2. Type 1 mainly happens in a person at young age, that is below 30 years old usually. When his body immune system becomes abnormal, it attacks his own pancreatic cells which produce hormone Insulin. Insulin can be described as a key which opens the door for glucose to enter human cells. However, when insulin cannot be produced due to pancreatic cells destroy, the person has excess glucose in his blood. The body will "dump" the glucose out via urination and that is when the patient starts to produce Sweet urine. Diabetes must be handled in caution because Diabetes itself is not the killer, the diseases that it brings are doing the murder. For example, a person may develop coma when he is having Hypoglycaemia ( too low of blood sugar level) or hyperglycaemia ( too high). On the other hand, Type 2 diabetes usually happens in people aged above 30 years old. It is usally related to gene and the person develop diabetes may have living an unhealthy lifestyle.There is no permanent treatment for diabetes currently. The only way for Diabetics to survive is to inject insulin regularly or having pills like Metformin. Diabetics can still live fulfilledlly like a normal person by stablely managing his blood glucose level . What a normal person eat can also be served to a diabetes patient as long as the portion is appropriate and the patient has to know his limit well. Don't be panic when you discover that you or someone very close to you have diabetes. Consultancies in hospitals nowadays can efficiently help you to control your blood sugar level while you cooperate well with your doctor, diabetes educator and dietician. As a family member of diabetics, you have to accept the fate and show your support by eating well and exercising with him. Then, he can definitely live a normal life, even living a better healthier life than before! ^-^

Symptoms of diabetes:
  • Fatigue
  • Frequent urination
  • Feel very thirsty
  • Hot-tempered
  • Weight loss  etc.
( this is not adapted from somewhere else, all based on my knowledges about diabetes since form 3)

I went to Intan Gleneagle Medical Centre to participate a Type 1 Diabetes workshop on my 1st morning of holiday. Just to accompany mama, and to learn more about the hospital system and Diabetes Mellitus. Most of the participants are in couple, i.e. a mother and a diabetics child. It was not strange that most of them mistook me as a diabetics while I had to explain that i am not. I realised that all the patient I met there are younger than me, 17/15/14/7 years old 0.0

The diet tips and lessons taught mostly i heard or read before in books. But i found out that Alcohol can actually decrease bllod glucose level, how interesting! I even seems like the most expert because i was the only Science stream participant. Meanwhile, i felt so sorry for the young diabetics patient. They might seem cheerful in front of everyone, but how do we know how tough they had been through to accept the fact that "I am now a diabetics" and was once felt so lost? How much tears and sweats has the family flowed when they discover this? How have thay changed difficultly to adopt the whole new diabetics lifestyle while keeping as fine as possible in front of everybody? ma, wo men yi jing hen xing yun le.

The most delicous and healthy lunch i have in a hospital

In conclusion, Mind your health by having balanced diet and regular exercise.
Always beware of the symptoms and get treatments as fast as possible once discovered the disease.
We always wish that beloved people around us are healthy and safe.
Don't we?


我家的第一台电脑,放在楼上已生灰尘的dekstop computer。
paiseh ya~ 印象中他最大的成就是帮我完成初二Sejarah Projek,
还有让我和学捷疯狂地过完Super Bombarman 3每一关。


最新的电脑,8月买的Dell Inspiron,
一开始我真的很满意。i3,windows 7, 该有的都有。
9月hard disk突然坏掉,“砰”,一系列照片不见了,其中还包括珍贵的大姨全家福。痛!
10月我的16GBpendrive在学校Makmal Komputer中virus,所有files都变成shortcuts。
惊恐万分,我朋友帮我把所有约6GB的files Copy 去他电脑,然后Format掉我的。因为我有把pendrive插进laptop,所以laptop也中了。呼叫救命,一位名叫秋桂的英雄救我。(哈哈...)他尽力了,可是还是移不走电脑病毒。只好带回家又把harddisk reformat掉,心中抱着一线希望英雄能挽救我存在朋友电脑的文件。30集《公主嫁到》不用紧,BioChem等可以再拿,可是最重要的还是我的照片,尤其是福建和中华的照片!!!



  1. Upload上Facebook的照片是compressed的,有没有什么办法可以让它恢复原本大小,那么我借可以洗照片出来?
  2. Copied进朋友电脑的files,又没有机会recover?

你以为学捷舍得让我用他的新lenovo ?

Saturday, November 13, 2010


Satu hari lagi untuk peperiksaan End-of-sem, saya berasa hendak tinggal di asrama bersama rakan sebilik pada malam terakhir sem 1. Baru-baru sahaja saya melangkah ke dalamAkasia, saya terhidu bau busuk yang kuat -- bau tahi kucing ! OMG. Apakah yang si kucing telah buat pada asrama kami? Mengapa kucing di sini boleh buat apa-apa saja tanpa larangan? sebaliknya, residen-residen terikat pada peraturan yang ketat.

Foto di atas adalah diambil di Kantin Cemara. Kan saya pernah kata, kucing di sini boleh buat apa-apa saje, tidur di bench, kantin, jalan, lihat orang sungguh garang matanya etc. Mereka tidak takut pada orang, mankala orang takut pada mereka. Okie..End-of-sem break sudah mula, Clearance telah dijalankan semalam. Selamat tinggal Kucing Akasia, Selamat tinggal Kolej Akasia. wahaha...

Serangga besar terbang ke dalam bilik saya HAnya untuk mengatakan Bye bye kpd saya.

Dear pianists, Brahms

Since it was the last day in my school, and there was 3 more long hours before the English exam, i went around 4th floor of library to search for nice Science, Language and Music books. I stepped into the music scores room and found something NEW! i got whole collections of Brahms original pieces. Not only that, Lennox Berkeley's, another composer which i will play his Six Preludes for ATCL in Dec. Nevertheless, i wanted to find another two books : Bach and Beethoven, but i failed. I walked out the room, then went straight to the book racks, hoping that i could borrow some books about music. Amazingly, a whole row of piano scores appeared. 100% piano scores, not like in the room just now, a combination of cello, brass, violin, orchestra... I quickly looked for the two books i need. Due to their popularity, i easily found the two books below. YAY! however, they were labelled as Buku Rujukan, which means that i cant borrow them out. I tried my luck and asked the man-in-charge. He was a little puzzled, " Kamu dari Fakulti Muzik ke?" "Bukan, i pelajar INTEC, belajar piano saja. Akhir tahun ini akan menduduki exam." "Encik, bolehkah saya pinjam dua buku ini?" haiz...the answer was predictable.okay,i accepted, this is the rule. Sad..Anyone has original books for Bach's preludes and fugues? =)

Advantages of having Fakulti Muzik in INTEC

2010年最后一天在INTEC,穿着第一天出来的baju kurung.突然觉得,学敏的2010年过得很不平凡!好端端地读高三读了六个月,预算自己今年毕业明年读大学;意外地SPM成绩考得很好,幸运地又获得JPA奖学金,艰辛地适应陌生的环境,转眼间一个Semester又结束了!真是很不可思议。好事,生活总不能每天都活在计划之中,那样太单调了吧?
