Sunday, January 30, 2011


I have no idea why my school likes to give every event a short form of name, e.g. KARISMA, INPRO。so now it is i-PKPK,
conclusively,this is for club or society committee to participate in order to improve our leadership skills and learn how to cope with HEP ( Hah Ehwal Pelajar). As the secretary of IJCC 2010-11, I definitely have the responsibily to join demi my club.

i-PKPK is held in Ampang Pechah,Kuala Kubu Bahru, 21/1 to 23/1. It is an ordinary leadership camp, YET it is my 1st time to join a camp like this although I am an experienced "camper". In this camp, there is around 80 campers, only a quarter of us are non-Malay. hence,some of the time are allocated for Solat, which is quite a new experience for me to have 4 solat slots in one day schedule. Then, there are 6 meals per day, since the camp is just like a NS camp despite the loose rules. However, i gotta admit the food are lousy. Unhealthy and fattenning =(

Our 1st meal: minum petang =.=

3d2n,everyday we have to encounter with the water.
1st day, activity in the evening HALANGAN, the last obstacle is to crawl under the net which has dirty mud water --> my body is covered with mud water and my hair gets wet and stinky. At night, our HEP timbalan pengarah gave a talk but most of us were too tired to concentrate @.@

2nd day, after jungle trekking and survival learning lesson in the jungle, we hop into the Air Sungai. Splash crazily to each other, it is really fun! On our way back to the kem, all the Chinese including me stay behind, singing CNY songs. haha... 

3rd day, worse, every group has to make a rakit using 4 blue tongs + 10 ropes + 7 wood planks. so we tried, tied, soared and sunk = = probably our rakit is not kukuh enuf and our group 5 is the last to reach the destination. Under the hot sun, our instructur taught us how to float wearing life jacket, this is not a diffucult job for me. The climax has reached, now, we have to row our boat across the lake, to and forth and the 1st 3 groups to finish the task win! as we expected, our group was the last to reach although we have been rowing and rowing, some of our members even swam to push the boat manually. haha..but a proud thing is when we rowed back to the "jetty",we are the 1st group to make it. Yay..Boo~
Luckily Ya Shin insisted me to use Sun block. poor weewen, her face is badly sunburnt.

In this camp, i realised something very new.

I saw Muslims bersolat at locations besides mosque for the 1st time in my life. It was the 2nd day around 4.30pm, before we went for Air Sungai bathing. The Muslims went washing in the sungai,then they came up the bank and started bersolat. I was amazed seeing them bersolat together, males in front and females at the back. Second time was on the 3rd day, before we rowed back to the "jetty". They did the same thing, towards the direction of kiblat and they started to pray. But this time I didnt stand there observing,i went Canoeing with Wi Hong until they finished their solat.

Here goes my 3rd weekend. Although I m now sick,having flu and fever due to lack of sleep during and after the camp, but i still think it is quite worth it joining the camp, at least i learn some new useful stuffs and knowledges =]

Compare and Contrast



My favourite

曾经我的化学成绩很优秀,上半年SPM Chemistry完全没问题。下半年Physical Chemistry, A-Level 的范围。虽然当时对我来讲是有点困难,但我很庆幸我能明白,考试证明了我的理解。我觉得,那一年Chemistry的成绩奠定我要往理科发展的基础。那年我曾写下目标要当医生--免疫科专科,我记得是在一段考试其,我`敏娴`楚雯一起讨论的。现在,Chemistry /化学不再是我的强项。去年Physical Chemistry乱得`考得一塌糊涂,今年重读Organic Chemistry, 不确定自己是否完全明白,不专心上课倒有罪恶感。真神奇,当年立下目标要当医生的是我,一直要当医生的是敏娴。怎么现在我两位老婆都要读Medicine,而我却选择修读Pharmacy呢?世事难料啊!

电脑     美术     英文

Anim8or,轮流到楚雯/敏娴家做project, 我们的“环保阿拉丁神灯”。三位“弱质女流”,对Anim8or 十窍二通,恐怕连1/4桶水都不到!结果,我们三位的blog一直出现的劲爆的《Notis Cari Suami》。每个人的特征都写下去,内容十分鬼趣搞笑。谢谢振辉,不辞劳苦地帮我们三位大小姐。我永远记得:laopo gang =D 还有那经典360度旋转的小女孩手臂。


Gayathri最喜欢安排我们在她的节做Activities。我们的组超棒的!cast包括凯威`振辉`老婆gang三人`永城`挺镜`智丽。让我们红透4S忠“整”片天的《The Necklace》,多亏我们的创意加凯威的傲人“双峰”。我记得那天是我生日的前几天,超美好的回忆。还有《Malaysian Idol》,振辉:抱着可爱的Barney玩偶,钮扣钮到颈项,天真无邪地唱着“I love you,you love me,we are Happy Fanily,(忘词)”;挺镜的载歌载舞,让我吓了一跳,整个实力偶像派酱;凯威:Mathilda上身,却用雄浑有力的歌声唱出“Can you feel the love tonight…”,接着还“色诱”我们评判。Haiz..往事只能回味。现在没有机会与时间干这类Dai-B透顶的事了,即使有机会,也灭有那么棒的演员与支持者`fans。再想下,淑恩那组的《Dim Sum Girl》,超可爱的。

OK,回到现实,Kolej Akasia, UiTM, Blok 1, 1/211.现在10.34pm,再过16小时,今年Sem2第一个考试—IELTS trial speaking test.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

University of Bath Science Challenge

I guess Jun Kit has been anticipating this post, am i right?

I knew about this when Puan Rita, our A-Level coordinator briefly announced this during Academic briefing. University of Bath Science Challenge...Date, time...The prizes are : 4 winners from Malaysia will join Summer School in U of Bath in July for free! The prize attracted me undoubtedly, I like the city of Bath although I didnt visit the University during my trip to Bath. I asked Jun Kit whether he was interested and there, he submitted our names as partners and prepared nothing for the science challenge.

Until 1 week before the Science Challenge, I went to ALM Square and saw the notice about it. Dear Jun Kit didnt even noticed that while he is the one who studied there! haha..2 experiments: how to make biofuel and solar cells. The materials and apparatus provided were listed and we would need to do the experiments in the 3 hours workshop.

I was worried, How are we going to make the biofuel and solar cell ? I have totally no idea looking at the apparatus. I went to Chong Hwa and got a lot of help from Mr.Chai Ming Zhou.haha...we searched the internet and found something alike. Jun Kit read the article and he too found another article which is easier to understand.Good Job =] Thanks,Zhai Gen for helping me on the competition while it was his birthday that day. We discussed at FB and got a clear image about the BioFuel experiment.

Jun Kit came to my class on 18/1 and there we just started our 1st discussion on the experiments as partners. haha..He got another article of Solar Cells,which was so complicated and confusing for me O_O I was both nervous ad excited when the time was reaching 2pm,Jun Kit was calm on the other hand =P

Jun Kit and the solar cell

However, we were both so excited when we saw the lecturers from U of Bath entered our poor Chemistry Lab. They are the real professionals! Jun Kit peeked into the lab and saw the same apparaus we expected that we will be using.We were so joyful, imagining ourselves are in U of Bath. Ready,Get Set,GO!

After the lecturer's briefing on the Green Chemistry slides, we started our experiments. Allar..the manuals are given and we just had to follow the procedures to get our results. But the good thing is at least we did research on the topics,we had definitely gained more than the others who were unprepared, right?

 The steps seems easier than what we expected.haha..microscale.

 Biofuel, process of Transesterification of vege oil

We managed to get the results from both experiments, our biofuel and solar cell. Hooray! but this is not the REAL competition yet, this is only a Workshop. we have to make and send a Scientific Poster to U of Bath and they will depend on our poster to determine which participant can join the summer school. If the deadline is longer, I would have thought about it but the deadline is 11/2, which is only 1 week after the CNY, I dont think i will spend my time on that doing lots of research and art work. haha..Better to enjoy CNY la.

很开心可以和俊杰合作。在中华虽然同班了4年,可是都不会很熟;结果一起JPA interview,再一起进INTEC读ALM,真的很有缘份咯!但我们在不同班,很少机会见面什么的。


有被震撼和感动到,相信他的宗教信仰很深。谢谢你借我你表姐IMU的Lab coat穿,自己穿INTEC黄黄旧旧的lab coat,虽然你是被我吵+teh+强迫的。哈哈...你在INTEC ALM已成为风云人物了,什么考试都接近满分,当Genius的朋友还蛮自豪的。祝我们友谊永固啦,还有你可以当个好医生=]

p/s: That green liquid i m holding in the picture is actually not the Biofuel, it is just a solution of our chemistry lab soap. Jun Kit wanted me to cheat u guys..


在INTEC Sem2 的前4个星期转眼间就过了。真的很快!可能是因为一直在期待新年,也与朋友们相处得很愉快^-^ 很想一个星期一个星期叙说,因为这4个星期过得实在太充实了。

1个星期在派考卷中度过,成绩不甚理想。但我现在很开心地说,上个sem成绩考倒不理想算了,这个sem开始努力,aim for my Target: A*AA

Wai Ping19岁生日。6个人在Pak Li's吃晚餐,蛮开心的。

2个星期,开始上课了,也开始忙学会:Toastmasters和INTEC Japanese Culture Club (IJCC)。 我是IJCC的secretary,所以开始忙学会和课业咯!某个星期二我上完Toastmasters' meeting,在等巴士开车之际,我和Lily及Pei Fen跑到学校前面的Pasar Malam。本来只是想见识见识下,只有Lily要买晚餐。马来人的Pasar,很像Bazaar Ramadhan酱,卖很多食物。不懂最后为什么,我竟然买了很大碗的“Chee Cheong Fan”吃。此CCF非彼CCF,是Halal的!(以上两张照片)卖的料好像“碌碌”,好大份哦。非常特别,我第一次尝试马来人的Chee Cheong Fan

 这是我的班照,11M14。我们将一起渡过在INTEC A-Level Medicine的2年,然后到IMU读Pharmacy四年,所以会在一起很长一段时间。从图片能知,我们班是超级Mutliracial,我们班有Chinese,Melayu,Indian,Melanau,Iban,Bidayuh,Kadazan和Siamese。你能分得出哪位是哪个种族吗?

第2个星期周末,和学领的朋友到云顶Gohtong Jaya庆功。在云顶放松下,呼吸冰凉的空气,谢谢豪杰和伟峰的陪伴,还有学领一大班人。说实在的,在学领我其实没什么帮上忙,只是一个工委,大部分的筹备工作都由筹委们在进行。我只能说,他们真的很能干,很愿意牺牲。很棒的团队!



Saturday, January 15, 2011



刚在INTEC过了2个星期,开始很忙,也要适应回这里了。刚派了Sem 1 Final Exam的成绩,wAlAo,成绩真的让我失望到。我总共考5科,不要算English和Ethics,JPA只看我们三科A-Level Biology,Chemistry 和Core Math & Statistics的分数。我们班的成绩整体很差,更细节应该说:我的成绩很差!Math最好不用讲,A*,不然真的对不起中华; 可是Bio和Chem我才拿B,70多分而已,我非常失望。到底是什么原因?仔细想想,可能是:

1. (依据妈妈)你Sem1真的读得很轻松咯!
实话,一开始进INTEC时觉得很容易,高三半年都上过了。一开始还很outstanding的,每次Chem test都拿满分。过后就没有很用心读书`准备,变得越来越懒惰,很爱玩!例如:每次准备test都随随便便,很懒惰读书;Study leave每早跑去运动,下午睡午觉,整个星期才准备Chem;考试中还跑去Prom。真的很不用心咯,自己很歹死。

2. 老师不够经验
尤其是Chem老师。其实高三时上蔡明洲的organic chem上到很blur,就希望自己在新学院上课会比较明白。结果,sem1的老师真的很不会教咯!Sem1 Chem基础打不好,sem2又派新老师来教我们。你以为我们pharmacy 班就不重要啦?Medicine班就全部很好的老师,我们呢?新的`没有经验的,酱来敷衍我们啊?

3. 过度自信轻敌

听俊杰说,A-Level internal exam成绩对普通college来说不重要,可是对我们这群sponsored的学生来说却是无比重要的!我们必须pass JPA的cut-off point = 13 points/ ABB,只要3次没有pass,你就要对JPA奖学金说“byebye”了。我本来以为自己一定可以拿到15points,A*A*A的咯,结果却非常差强人意,只是刚刚好pass cut-off point。
真的很失望,Bio的第二天是prom,当晚很忙,没有什么准备好拿B还可以接受。可是Chem整个礼拜的study leave我都在准备,虽然前晚是去Prom,准备了那么久,为什么还是那么差?有时候会觉得自己不适合读跟Chem有关的科系,高三上Organic上到那么差。现在这种感觉又会浮现,我是不是真的不适合读这科?Pharmacy可是超级/非常/无比地注重Chemistry的。

很想专心读书,干脆做一个读书nerd也好,我真的很想我考到好成绩,可以顺利地毕业。星期五我没有读书,却被妈妈拉去KLCC shopping,还没有做好很多学校的功课事务,明天又要上云顶,好烦乱啊!

