Saturday, June 25, 2011

Friday 16

最后一次 助理的助理



“喂~ 豪杰`伟峰`景丞`振宁`永耀`振辉`胜保,还有没遇到的凯源`可沁`键培`景祥和汉豪,你们这群伟大的助理很幸运,毕业后还可以在中华这个温暖安全的保护壳下度过了充实的助理/老师日子。你们7月或8月就要离校了,到新加坡`香港`中国或其他国家读大学。外面的世界不会像在中华那样得心应手,很多事情要经验过`体会过才能了解。当然希望你们可以很快适应,遇到的障碍`问题等都能迎刃而解,活得比在中华更快乐。到底有没有兴趣?要相信自己原本就有一点(至少潜意识中)才会选择那科的,加上自己有能力,与拥有共同目标的朋友一起学习,兴趣自然有增无减。我相信自己的选择,也希望你对自己有信心。共勉之”




终于 Red Box Plus

我竟然跑到学捷课室前等他放学,OMG,我这个姐姐在别人眼里一定是“怎么她那么爱玩?还拉着弟弟去唱K” 。跟他一起走出去坐bus到Chow Kit,然后搭monorail到Bukit Bintang.到金河买了我HTC Incredible S的壳,才迟迟抵达Pavillion Red Box plus “报到”。


爱错`你不在`你和我`伯牙绝弓玄`需要人陪`你不知道的事`十八般武艺(we are Lee Hom's fans!),晴天`开不了口`屋顶`广岛之恋`彩虹`你要的爱`想自由`好的事情`她说`江南`情非得以`匿名的好友`你是我的眼`当冬夜渐暖`为何你爱着别人(费玉清的@@)`家后(我很喜欢的一首福建歌)`Price tag`Fireworks`On the floor(惊觉我的声线竟然有爆发力!)`Just the way you are...

出来了,里面冷到要死~ 我们决定走新路线:Pavillion - KLCC。以前曾看过Pavillion底楼有一个告示牌写可以走到KLCC,既然今天有保镖(学捷咯),就尝试下吧!走向那个方向,走着走着,竟然看不到KLCC?!!它那么有象征性,两条jagung,怎么可能不见?幸亏最后还是找到了,我们就从KL Convention Centre (海外华文书展那边)走进Suria KLCC.学捷陪我去下新开张的UNIQLO,然后一起去买票他自己看《Green Lantern》。yer,好看meh? 我从来不喜欢看这样的戏...(伏笔)

Happy A-level Ends Day!


与学捷道别后,我独自搭Putra LRT到Bangsar,楚雯来接我(第几次了huh?)。紧接下来的事:我们去了Mid Valley Megamall!楚雯想看电影却没什么好戏看,(有啦,<功夫客栈>要不要?哈哈...),结果我们买了两张X-Men: First Class第一排的票,我跟斯文的楚雯看了一部比《Green Lantern》还够力的戏 ><

对一个从来没有X-Men背景的乖巧女生来说,看这出戏应该会很模糊`很不喜欢吧!我告诉你,你一定要去看这部戏,它实在太精彩了!故事拍得很有连接性,解释得明白,里面又有很多科学元素(Mutant =Bio, Physics)。结束后,竟然对楚雯说:"原来我心里是那么喜欢Physics的,我A-level报考Physics可以吗"“我是Mutant吗?怎样验得出我是不是mutant?”哈哈...你可以想像这部电影对我纯洁的心灵带来多大的震撼吧!谢谢楚雯带我尝试这样的突破,我爱《X-Men》,我是Magneto!


地点:Mid Valley Megamall      活动:吃sushi

我觉得我已经尝遍Mid Valley和Gardens的日本餐了。敏娴楚雯对吗?晚餐,虽然少了敏娴老婆很是惆怅,但我们俩还是有能力把桌上的sushi全吃完。期间,我把偷偷买的cupcake拿出来让楚雯吹蛋糕,庆祝她今天考玩A-level,毕业了!哈哈...这当中发生了不少笑话,如"perfect" cupcake`"how to eat your cupcake"`外人的眼光`忘记带回的cupcake.敏娴,有你在就更完美了。

Bisou cupcake and tired Wynne


回到家,楚雯很热心地把课本和notes给我,她毕业了。本想她心里应感触良多,却不小心勾起我心里的惆怅。一年后的现在,才轮到我考完A-level。很多中学朋友今年就要出国读大学了,我迟了他们一年;明年这时候,又轮到我和INTEC很多朋友分别,特别伤感。其次,我想念身在美国的敏娴,她那blue berry的照片。走了一天身心疲劳,我好困,及一发不可收拾的情绪、emo。

爸爸来载我,塞车11点才到楚雯家。一天下来,遇到了不同的人体验了不同的心情,(practically)还走了KL 三所大型的shopping complex: Pavillion,KLCC,Mid Valley;不包括进一下子的Sungei Wang和Gardens.学敏啊学敏,你这个“脚花”终于如愿以偿了。

算是为星期天的KL Marathon做赛前准备吧!今天还轻松下吧,下个星期才理睬academic的课业。

KL Marathon pack








一切准备就绪,我和学捷很lame地一人在客厅,一人在书房用FB chat消磨时间等12时正。





Thursday, June 16, 2011



这个星期一到三,没有去云顶跟那群乌龟一聚,的确很遗憾。可是刚去新加坡Universal Studios,爸爸又不给我在云顶过夜,很sienz,一点都不能尽兴玩,所以干脆不要去咯!


这架laptop的Hard Disk无缘无故又坏了,买它不到一年坏了不懂多少次,yam gong.幸亏我买了external hard disk,把所有最最最、最最最珍贵的照片都收在里面,不然我又要伤心很久。可是,很多download 了的softwares/apps,甚至是自己的files消失了,settings又要重新弄过,再加上自己电脑技术不好,超麻烦的!(叹气)

假期过了5/8,却不想碰Academic的东西,especially Bio Issue Report > < 很惭愧,却很无奈地及放肆自己越来越懒的性格。下个星期天就是KL Marathon 了,报名跑10km,每天早上却很懒惰起床练跑。到时候只好凭毅力,与不是很好的stamina跑走全程了。截至今天,我这整个sem break 到底做了什么?翻读下organiser,有3趟旅程(Kuching,Pangkor Laut & Universal Studios), 其余的假日大多消磨在电脑和书前(paiseh,不要想像我阅读什么非常有深度的书,除非你算我花了两天重温为高一阅读报告而读的《神雕侠侣》,发了一会儿谈姐弟恋的梦)。有意义的还有2009 5sZhong gathering与做 IC 和passport (终于换掉那很丑& Mongolian Girl 的照片了!)。本来还想做三个礼拜的工,却不得逞,倒跟从英国回来的阿姐度过了很充实的几天,得此失彼。

自己驾车*,献给了Ms.38 Wong Ya Shin,而FM106.7播的《桃花开》竟酷似《十面埋伏》,多么应景!昨天从Ampang LRT Station载她回我家,竟然沿着Pandan走了一大圈,加上塞车,用了一个小时才回到家,真是佩服自己得五体投地-_- 今天,我还吵四姨丈教我车前的结构,什么黑油、水、battery的所在处,大概都懂了。只是我提到教我换tyre,爸爸和四姨丈异口同声地说:“如果你驾车tyre puncture,不用烦不用想,请立即联络我们。”zadao 下...

现在,有谁跟我一样,到现在还没开始动Bio Issue Report 的,




Monday, June 6, 2011

Sem Break Life Cycle

This is how I spend my 2 MONTHS long Sem Break.

Travelling - Photography - Blogging

25 nights in Akasia (part 2)

14/4: 诚实与否
Today I got my Chemistry Topic Test 2 test paper. 96%, the highest mark in M14 together with Luke and Alysha. I was proud of myself at the same time feeling guilty. I should have made mistake that worths more than 4%. After discussing and checking my test papers, I found the culprit, I wrote "Dispropornation" rather than "Disproportionation" and Ms.Fiza didn't notice that. A battle was held inside my mind, should I tell Miss about this? If I do not, I will still get the highest mark in my class. I did tell Miss and 2% was deducted and I was no more one of the highest mark students. What drove me to take that action is I want to be Honest and 对得起良心。It's just a topic test and 2% carried only 0.1% for my total Chemistry result. Why should I allow this 0.1 made me feel uneasy and 偏离自己的原则?

16/4: 飙歌
I could just say: "AH BOON 唱歌很厉害!" We are his Fans!

17/4:Field trip
The day went smoothly until our group lost a quadrat and the later incident: I brought my Sony Ericsson in my pocket into the water. Ouch!

18/4: 头痛
No idea why, it was the most severe Migraine I had in my life. It was still manageable in the morning, which I could still tahan and went to HEP. At noon, I could feel that my 太阳穴 (of human anatomy,the temples) were "jumping" so aggresively. I felt better in Puan Rita's air-conditioned office, where I apologised for our group that we lost a quadrat in Tanjung Bidara. Then, I managed to go for Bio Lab session and later Toastmaster Last Meeting of the sem. At night, Tortoise gang was celebrating Hoe Jun's bday. I felt so dizzy when I was standing in bus and when I was bathing. No doubt, I swallowed a Panadol ActiFast and laid down on the bed for like..10 minutes. The Paracetamol really worked. after the very short nap, I could walk swiftly alone to Pak Li's, left shoulder was my DSLR pouch and right was DELL laptop bag. Only when I have no other solution, I will rely on medicine. Hmm~ I rmb I was/am going to be a Pharmacist @@

20/4: 两面镜
(totally forgot what's the title about...) supposingly it's about 11M14 celebrating my 19th birthday. One of the mirror was the one I washed my hands in Pak Li's, peeking the girls behind, wondering what they were preparing for me.haha..
for more info, plz refer to《就谈生日》

21/4: 躲猫猫
It was about my 19th Birthday celebration! I was too innocent and idiotic believing that Tortoise Gang wanted to play Hide N Seek,shouting "30,29,28,...,5,4,3,2,1"  alone in i-City, with MJ beside and two clear/blur hunters Yaya and Roland MIA.
for more info,plz refer to 《To乌龟》

It was quite a suffering week. My hp was spoilt and I was the main planner for Michy's farewell Party in Mid Valley on Fri! That's why my plan was 错漏百出...


I was/am at home finally, after 22 nights in Shah Alam ( deduct the 3 nights I stayed at home during the 2nd weekend). Achieved quite a lot of targets, just a little regretted that I didnt have chance to go for Dharma Talk and cook in Akasia with my housemates. If you ask me whether I would like to try to stay in Akasia for long term again next sem,

my answer would be:

Depends lar~
: P

25 nights in Akasia (part 1)

I was so AMBITIOUS that I told my parents I were going to stay in Akasia for 4 weeks before study leave. These included a weekend with i-Code activities, a weekend with nothing and a weekend with Tanjung Bidara field trip. I even thought of writing a diary every night of my life without going back home in Akasia. hmm~ eventually I fail, both writing and not going back home. The followings are just some brief notes of what inspired/touched or important memories of mine in Akasia. paiseh~

 1/4 and 2/4: i-Code
I was the exhibitor during i-Code day, showing the Noh Mask Set and Kokeshi Dolls. I remember that week was so busy. Tonnes of letters to HEP, decorative bamboo from dad and the very Grand i-Code Opening Ceremony (which IJCC committees all wore Japanese tradisional costumes). i-Code day was another great day, though the people attending were much less than expected.

5/4: kasih sayang?
This was hilarious. I went for a Kolej gathering at night. Some of the rules set by Kolej Akasia were:

Isu Kasih Sayang:

  • Dilarang berpegang tangan di bas, Pak Li's(restaurant nearby) dan perhentian bas. I wonder, is McD and KFC allowed? ;p
Isu Tatatertib:
  • Saman RM50 if we are found wearing short sleeves or pants outside our block. This means that if you don't want to lose RM50 before realising your mistake, DO remember to cover every part of your body except for ur neck and above, ur hands and feet.

6/4: 想家 + 选择路+ 妈妈的msg
It's only the 10th night I was not at home and I started to miss my family terribly! The depression increased when my mom sent me messages like: "回来啦!家永远是最温暖的。" "我们很想念你。你要好好照顾身体,要多喝水,吃多点水果。" etc..Made me feel like burst out crying, her simple words and msg. There were an angel and demon in my mind, this weekend Shall I go back or not?

我抄功课 (很有回到中华的感觉,感动得快哭了)AND 
7/4: 11晚之痒
I miss my family so much!!! my Bro, my Mom, my Dad and my Aunt. C'mon, why can't you just go back home?? Just give a call to Mr.Driver (my dad) and he will come within half an hour. Ampang is just 45 minutes away from Shah Alam. Why torture yourself? TT I just want to learn to be independent and determined.

8/4: Maria + 秋桂, 依雯的眼泪
Friday. Chew Kwee, Bao Xu and I went to visit Maria after her delivery. We saw her little baby boy. Very typical German/ European baby look! Chew Kwee 的眼神充满着父爱。He is really suitable to be a pediatrician, definitely.

Yii Wen's tears was another story, which was the main factor that pushed me going back home during the 2nd weekend. I am the lucky one, I stay nearby and I should appreciate. She says, “时候到了,你自然就会独立,现在不用特地强迫自己学习。”very meaningful quote from my dearest roommate.

12/4: 来到INTEC最"1 Malaysia"的地方
I did my Toastmaster Speech at Shah Alam Club for the 1st time! It was my 5th speech entitled "Travel Europe" and it focused on "Your Body Speaks". Most of the club members are adults, only a Malay guy aged 18 and the other were experienced adult speaker. I could say, this is the Most "1 Malaysia"place in after I come to INTEC. The speakers consist of Malay, Chinese and Indian gave comments generously and they are really willing to help each other to improve. I love this environment. Hopefully I can do another two speeches there for CC manual.

13/4: 回到一年前
JPA PILN 2011 interview were held in INTEC suprisingly. Cuz last year for our batch, KL and Selangor candidates had their interviews in PutraJaya Convention Centre, which were grand and cool. Hmm~ so Seniors-to-be did some really funny and some realistic shows for the parents and candidates waiting. (we were just kind enough to prepare performances for the bored or nervous parents and candidates, AND also to release our stress in appopriate way).

List of examples:

(Crying) " I got only 95 for my Chemistry test and it is the LOWEST mark for my class. I feel so depressed now." T girl said. " Oh, I am sorry to hear that. What time you revised till yesterday?" a friend of her asked. "I studied till 3am I think." answered T. "OMG! why were you so lazy, you should not sleep at all. You should study for the whole night. It's your mistake!" the friend shouted.

"Hey, how many you got for your cGPA?" " 3.95. But I am so worried! I am afraid that the Uni would not accept me!"  duh..who took the roles huh?

" I got 99 for my test and my lecturer scolded me for that." A said. "What happened?" B asked. "The average mark of my class is 99.9999 and it was MY FAULT!" A continued crying. 

List of conversations from the parents:

(pointing at me as I passed by) "Why is she wearing like that? Long-sleeve??! Isn't the weather hot enough?" answer in my heart: Auntie, this is not what I want.. Dont Blame me,I am sweating too!

Asking one of the students. "so,this is a Vocational/technical school right? you are sent by the government to study so you have a more secure future." Helo?What do you think INTEC is?! We (ALM students) are future doctors and pharmacists kay?!! INTEC is really a strange word for me, until I am here and realised that MOST of the JPA scholars are sent here for their Pre-U.

And also some 肤浅ppl think that students getting Med twinning India are not as good as twinning Ireland. "Why dont you choose direct or Ireland (twinning)?Isn't much better to accept that offer?" Dear parents, we have no right to choose for ourselves, JPA is the agent who determines our path for us. but that is too early for you and your child yet, Cuz the pre-requisite is: he/she has to be chosen as JPA scholar, our Junior.

Saturday, June 4, 2011


Pangkor Laut真是一个很好“睡觉”的地方。我想,我在这里每天平均睡超过8个小时,很健康、很标准的学敏睡眠时间结果,没有早上起床看日出、没有运动、没有机会到Spa Village去看看..

第二天是典型的Pangkor Day
一整天没带电话,做了一系列在Pangkor会做的water activities。顺序如下:

  1. 先到jacuzzi浸下,一家人讲话很大声下
  2. 然后在inifinity pool游了一会儿,和学捷38地挤进一个救生圈里游泳
  3. 到sauna去,钟漏20分钟,温度42°C,拼命scrub身体
  4. 悠闲地浸入cool dip pool,阿姐说这样能使皮肤光滑@.@
  5. 躺在Emerald Bay沙滩的躺椅上sunbathe,不小心变成"sunsleep",睡了半小时
  6. 一家人在碧绿的海水里玩到xiao!!!踩在爸爸和弟弟的背上,他们联手把我左右摇摆然后丢下水,在水里翻跟斗吞了一口咸水,拍照...不亦乐乎
  7. 冲凉后(忍住睡意),穿上新年前买的洋裙,拉着两位表姐陪我拍“专辑照”
整天就是在进行很typical的beach activities,很俗却很好玩!虽然擦了很厚的sunblock(拜托,SPF30+而已),但还是sunburn了一点点。

 谢谢爸爸妈妈带我来 ^-^


在这All-inclusive package里我只有








明天很忙下,早上HipHop,下午去Tabung Haji参加爸爸马来顾客的婚礼,晚上下巴生吃海鲜(我要争取驾车权,第一次驾车下Klang!)后天,才开始做Bio issue report吧,不要再拖延了,一定要在星期三去新加坡前搞定



想写几段短短的文字叙述我在Pangkor Laut Island度过的第一天,有点像艺人在写微博这样。今天在舟车劳顿到Lumut的路上,我读完了昨天买的刘轩的《随着城市的节奏漫游》。第一次看刘轩的书是去年他到尊孔独中举行讲座时,那时我表姐买了《放任心中的一百次流浪》和《Why Not?给自己一点自由》送我。我很喜欢刘轩的写作风格,他的风格和我的有点相似(也许是我不经意模仿他),很自然、很有独特豪迈的味道。他的文字虽然很浅易,但所写的有些句子、故事会让我感触思考。刘轩的确是个很有性格的才子,写作和音乐才能都很棒!我呢,则不敢恭维。希望有朝一日,可以像他那样。

英文翻译:The Girl and Her Tripod





吃晚餐时,很无趣地拿出HTC刚download 的apps研究,对其中一项Google Sky Map很有兴趣。不懂它是否真的能function?没有Internet access也行吗?结果,吃饱后我到码头去,开启Google Sky Map把手机对着星空。哇!好壮观的星座银河行星分析图!我沿着闪亮的星星对照Screen里的星座,完全正确。南边,南十字架正无畏地挂在天空的右侧;Scorpio大刺刺地爬行在天空中央;还有几颗连在一起的星星,认不出它们是什么;有些太黯淡了,看不清楚。我立刻想到“爸爸”忠祥(Cheah),该次如果还有机会外出/参加camp,拿着这架手机和他一起观星最棒了!有机会的 :)


Emerald Bay的夕阳西下



304 Garden Villa

