Friday, October 24, 2008

6天5夜 of Sailing (Part 1)

这一次旅行去了4个国家,geng leh?6 天罢了哩。因为我是在海上航行,所以几天内就"经过"好几个国家,它们是香港、中国(海南岛)、越南(胡志明市)和新加坡。一起去旅行的有大姨、大姨丈、二姨、三姨、三姨丈,还有我们一家人。阵容庞大!

1st day(19·10·08): 东方之珠 · 登船
星期日,我们大约凌晨3点就起床了,然后就赶往LCC-T去。我们乘了4个小时的Air asia,终于抵达了香港国际机场。哇!才告别香港一年,没想到又来到了香港。可是这次不是纯粹到这里来玩,只是过站罢了。我们的目标是--Superstar Virgo。 到了船上,第一件事情就是"吃"。船上有3间免费餐厅,我们一到就赶到12楼的Mediterranean Buffet Restaurant 吃茶点。其实,我很喜欢坐船,因为船上有许多设施,可以进行很多很好玩的活动。



2nd day (20.10.08): 东方夏威夷 · 匆忙
船第二天就抵达了中国海南岛的三亚。 我们走马看花了一整天。海南岛气候跟马来西亚很相似,对我们这些马来西亚人一点都不新鲜,但对其他的香港、中国、欧洲游客就很特别。他们买了一大堆土产,只不过是一些普通的椰饼。噢对了!海南岛盛产椰子,还有其他的热带作物。






3rd day (21.10.08) : High Sea ~ A Whole Day of Sailing
"paiseh,i gotta use english bcuz i m using my fren's laptop now.i m oni used to Chinese Star."
did nothing much today.cuz today we arent travelling 2 any mainland.2moro oni we are going to Vietnam ( Ho Chi Minh City).did street dance lesson for about 1/2 an hour in the morning.the coach is a filipino.he is so muscular.if i m nt wrong,he taught us yoga yesterday b4 going to Sanya.So geng!he almost learned everything.
back to our main theme.Although we r sailing the whole day,but yet the Star Cruise organised lots of activities on the ship.we went 4 "BINGO" in the morning,the game rule is:U gotta get 15 NUMBERS within 45 numbers in the bingo paper.if u gt tat,congratulations!u will win the jackpot lottery costs S$18,888.however,it is hard to gt tat.even after 45 numbers,u can still win the congratulations prizes S$ 480.tell u,i omoz won tat cz i gt 14 numbers b4 the winner gt BINGO!sadly, i return to the cabin.
later i went to "the galaxy of star" to join a Personal Up-Close Lesson With The Magician --Mike Micheal".actualy we have watched his performance at the Lido Theatre the 1st night.he was amazing!he came from Las Vegas and he has performed his magic in front of Princess Diana b4.He is the "Mechanical Magician".he did sum simple magic tricks which we can do in the kitchen,such as cut the apples into halves like a kongfu master...i bought a magic kit from him costs S$40(=RM96) n he taught the buyers how to do the time,i will perform the magic tricks if i have any chance.hihi..u wil c how misterious i m.i can make a cloth vanish loh!;P

I gt the autograph from Mike Micheal.he is so incredible.u will be amazed after looking his performance.hehe...took the photo in my cabin.look!tis is my new hairstyle,v fringes.nt reli suitable i face looks rounder.><>


minxian said...

untie and uncle look en ai enuff ler..=)
looks like u did enjoy ur trip..
dun matter wat gazat said in class ad..XD