1. 数学题
2. 生活IQ题
3. 城市篇
有时自己坐LRT回Ampang,在自己走路或在station等时,总是极缺安全感,很怕有坏人对我不利。就像昨天我在Imbi Monorail Station排队,对面车内有几个老外。他们看到我,就一直很38地向我招手,好像我认识他们酱,连站我隔壁的女生都问我是否认识他们。不知道这招有用吗?当我不想有人注意我时,我就四处张望。看电话`看广告`假假看陌生人`打电话sms...更绝的是,我扮出很丑的动作:打哈欠嘴巴张大大`一直抓手抓脚`一副很sienz的样子。虽然不至于摇脚挖鼻孔,但我不懂如何让人觉得我不好惹。难道真的要随身携带防狼器或雨伞吗?我想说,若你不幸看到我独自一人,一副很不爽`很欠打的样子时,请不要认为:哇!做么学敏变成酱了的?!
昨天我有幸成为四位INTEC朋友的KL Tour Guide,路程包括Pavillion- Farenheit - Sungei Wang - Times Square和茨厂街,乘坐的公共交通有KL monorail Star 和LRT.我这位导游让“游客们”吃不消,一直走一直走,相信他们脚一定很累><
Three from Sarawak and one from Johor Bahru.
Do u need lotion really for prevention be bitten by mosquitoes? I can let u have one and just try out.
1.I think u hav to rinse it and nt soak it back again. only soak it when ure quite sure uve rinsed off the soap.
Another way is to cut down on the amount of soap powder u use =.=
2.is ur place really tht hot??
to prevent the mosquitoes from coming in, just close the windows from 6-8pm.
my dad says it works, but for me i keep the windows closed from 6pm onwards.
abt the fan, are u using double decker beds or two single ones?
if its two single ones, u should probably consider joining the beds.
thts what most of my frens do.
3. try to ignore them or give them angry stares.i think u should travel in groups, its safer. go ask around whether there is anyone heading towards ampang or the same direction..try to be near crowds and avoid deserted areas =)
thts all =)
and abt the clothes i think u should use the laundry service , provided INTEC has it la.
Here in KTT, a lot of them hav their own washing machines. so if ur sch allows washing machines, discuss with ur outstation frens whether they might want one.
if u share out the cost it will be very worth it, after all u ll b there for 2 years.
all the best to u =)
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