Thursday, May 26, 2011


第一次去砂劳越是10岁,那时我是有任务在身,我到Sibu去参加我表哥的婚礼,我是小新娘!表嫂是位诗巫人。那时我也到Kuching一日游,唯一有印象的是我去一间博物馆(应该是Sarawak Musuem)。我很天真地问东问西,我的一个问题让我印象深刻:长屋下的空间有什么用途?导游顿了顿,“应该是养鸡养鸭吧!我也不是很确定噢。”还有,就是在市中心白色的猫雕像前拍照和吃了一顿不怎么好吃的晚餐。

第二次是生态之旅,我初三那年的农历初一妈妈边的家族全跑到Mulu玩。那真是一个意义非常深刻的新年。年初一,我们顶着太阳,爬到很穿喘去看洞穴`蝙蝠;年初二,走了8.8km进到一个什么设施都没有的Camp 5;年初三,爬Pinnacles (剑山,虽然没有征服)。在那里,我们还被跳蚤咬得两只脚都是,回来还有几位亲戚要打针呢!反正,那次Sarawak对我的印象是:很ULU。

所以之前5篇游记写的就是我第3次去沙劳越,这次是玩转Kuching,真正地体验Sarawak。所以,现在我凭着印象写写几件我觉得很有趣的不同之处,其他的,也只有等你自己阅读我的文字慢慢发掘吧 :)

1. 明显的 Sunrise & Sunset


2. 荒唐的 Parking Saman

西马,只要你一中Saman,一定是破财之灾。至少RM20,多则RM300。可是,Parking Saman在沙劳越是无所不在的。1st Half an hour: RM0.20 parking coupun, 2nd Half: RM0.50 and 3rd Half and cont.: RM0.80 every 1/2 an hour.所以,最明智的做法是(请教Roland):放RM0.20的,然后就park到久久,park到你爽。当你兴高采烈地回到你车上时,你就可以开始数你的“战绩”了:



3. 怪异的 Gardenia Bread 呢?

第二晚在古晋为了准备去明天的出游,我们到百货商店买干粮。正要买面包之际,竟然发现这里没有卖Gardenia 面包!怎么可能?问清楚,才懂这里卖面包的都是bakery,而Gardenia面包还没有进入这里的市场。可怜,他们怎么survive?连high 5那些都没有neh..

4. 道地的 Miles

"Later we go to 3 Miles.""O,I live in 17 Miles."哇,这边都用Miles来量距离的,离古晋市中心多远就几Miles.haha..我问Roland,为什么这里不用KM的?原来,4Miles = 6.4 KM嫌拗口,所以就干脆miles miles miles 下去..B)

5. 无可奈何的 ticket

For West Malaysian adults, entrance fee to Jong's Crocodile Farm is RM16. but for East Malaysian, it's only RM10. To Cultural Village, West Malaysian and Foreigners = RM60, East Malaysian = RM30, half the price yea! 我相信还有很多地方有这样奇怪的“政策”。也许是东马要报仇吧,有蛮多东西(如报纸`书本)在西马是便宜一、两角,甚至一、两块的。还有,就是把东马的资源开发了,然后大部分都用在西马的发展上。所以,要从西马人钱包里拿回那些钱,让“外汇”回流东马。(邪恶地笑...)

6. 难以置信的 brother

我是说有血缘关系的弟弟。Roland的弟弟,也是很厉害的一位,星期六晚上才告诉妈妈他明天要到Spring Mall参加Spelling Bee,妈妈只得着急地为他安排交通。拿到第6名yea!恭喜恭喜... 跟他最有沟通的一次是有天晚上问他有没有别的插座,跟他说华语(忘记问他会不会听!),他就拿了一个multi plug 和双脚插给我。真体贴!虽然跟你说话的机会跟你公公一样少。哈哈...谢谢你

Luke来自书香世家,更不用说。他有一位“Radio”弟弟和“Laptop”表弟(不是我取的外号!)。他们也是厉害吧!因为雅欣告诉我,Luke的弟弟第二天有考试,她就问他不需要准备吗?他竟回答,他上次考得够高分了,这次考得低分一点不用紧。eu....BOM!被他的傲气与自信zadao...可是,他们确实很乖很守纪律的儿子。我记得最后一晚我们整大班人挤在Luke的客厅,很写意地聊天。Luke's的爸爸上去睡前,提醒他们两个最迟12.30am就要上去睡。客厅时钟的分针一指到6,两个“electronic devices"就自动shut down,上去睡觉。哇~他们真听话啊!不像我弟弟... ...

Ng Xue Jie


捷,我懂你被提名过几次班草(甚至成为班草),你很帅但你也要努力啊!这次年中考只有3科及格(暂时),不包括国中及格分数的40分科目。虽然你打节令鼓很棒,每天为学会劳碌,你也要注意学业。你选择了文商,我真的很希望你可以读好来,即使要花很多钱到UK读degree也在所不迟(反正你姐姐已省了一笔,哈哈...)。不要每次嫌用国文的科目很难不想读(虽然英文的Add Math也不见得很好啦),国文还是很重要的leh!SPM有没有cert就要看国文了。所以,乖乖地,读好过关(我们的要求真的很低的),能上大学毕业就好。

其实不能把我弟弟和Roland和Luke的弟弟比较啦!除了学业以外(我教他数学他脸臭到语气坏到好像跟我有深仇大恨这样),其他事情我们都没有合不来的。没有吵架、更没有冷落对方(有啦,当我读书读到Ki siao时),还可以帮我做streching,跟我一起便弹边唱,说我们的EMm emM话...等等。学捷,我很看好你的,我相信有朝一日你会跟我一样,甚至比我更有成就!你是聪明的,关键就在于你肯不肯用功,有没有毅力渡过克服一切 =]


7. 独特的 friends & atmosphere

就如我很多篇游记结尾都有提到的,在这里和INTEC的气氛真的很不一样。在INTEC围绕着我们的总是课业考试,而在远离INTEC几千公里外的Kuching,没有了繁忙课业的捆绑,我们都显得轻松自在许多,玩起来也特别疯。所以有你们这一群Awesome dies的朋友,能在同一个屋檐下玩乐,真是很幸运。我很爱你们,Awesome - Cool - Shuai people!


明天开始我要做Bio Issue Report,开始我detoxification的健康计划。对你们每个人的感谢,我会牢牢记在心里,有机会再亲自向你们说。谢谢你们为我带来了多姿多彩的5天4夜,也让我重拾我写作的习惯和热忱,用了整整3天upload照片上FB,为我已生灰的blog增添六篇创作。




It was the hardest meal i could swallow and digest ever.

Roland brought us to a restaurant well known of its Sarawak Laksa. Although the stall was closed that day, he still managed to fill the table surface with lots of food like beef noodle, wantan mee, kwong pia and you jia kueh. In which, i cant even finish 3/5 of the bowl of wantan mee and left 1/3 of my Ice Lemon Tea!Yaya, Wendy and Jie Hui were going back in less than 2 hours later, i felt so emo and miserable.

19th Destination: Kuching International Airport

送机。took lots of photos using my phone with the Johorians. Felt so sad lar,they are leaving so soon. The time just flies.Jie Hui cried in front of us, Wendy burst out crying after leaving us, and there's a rumour that three of them hugged each other and cried. Is the rumour true? I am not sure. But I certainly know that we all appreciate each other in this trip and we don't want to leave.

 our AWESOME locals ( Mr.Roland and Mr.Luke Nyanti)
20th destination: India Street

After the sad scenes, Roland drove me to Main Bazaar again, this time is to accompany Yee Teng and Wai Ping to buy souvenirs. I bought myself the "lamest" souvenirs,Keychains with ethnics,but they are quite nice. Besides that,I also bought a Kek Lapis from the bakery (which my mom n aunt enjoy tasting it so much).

Then, we walked under the sun again to India Street. My imagination on India Street was like the one in Klang, the people there are all Indians and they sell only Saree and Dhoti. Matt brought us to a little shop selling tasty Siew Pau, Yam Puff and other pau. Then, we walked tRoland Teo parked his car at Carpenter street again, but this time only with 3 samans, instead of 7 samans on Friday.哭笑不得
Jon John n the pau

21th Destination: Cat Museum

We successfully visited our last destination in a rush to Cat Musuem.For me,the most important part of this visit were to Understand how Santubung mountain got its name from the two princesses and Farewell with M4 gang. I greatly understand what would happen after this,I am leaving.

Kam Sia, gong gong, po po

I went back to Roland's house to ensure all the things were packed and to check whether we left some "unsuitable" things in his room.luckily we didnt, i double/triple/quadruple checked. Last lunch in Kuching, Roland and I had the yam puff we bought in India street in his kitchen. Roland's popo gave us a cup of Kek Wa each. Mainly because of my emo-state, when he had finished 2 puffs,I had just finished 1/2 of my yam puff..sad.. saying Kam Sia and Bye Bye to Roland's family. We were now heading to the airport.

Why  Roland's house is built so near to the airport?

Roland wasnt speeding, but we reached the 1km and 500m simpang ke Lapangan Terbang in such a short time. I went in first, waiting in front of the departure gate. Suddenly i realised that the TV showing the time of flight DID NOT show my schedule back to KL! no flight number and time... Was it delayed or what? when Roland reached, i told him and he was equally shocked. Having an answer inside my heart, i turned to the second TV behind:
Air Asia AK5213 5.35pm LCCT

Luke's gang arrived 10 min later. Another round of photography, but this time with less/no tears. Nah, Johorians cry more easily than us! suppressing the really Emo Emo feeling, I gave Luke and Roland a lot of waves and a "flying Kiss" (haha..i couldnt believe i was so high/crazy to do that!) after passing the imigresen. I understand, after this, we would be seperated  by South China Sea, with the distance of 1 hour and 40 minutes flight apart.


more photos available at FB Can we just..Stay

后记:Sitting alone at 23F, i slept for 1 hour before i heard the announcement that I would be reaching LCCT in 25 min. I was simply sad and tired. without baggage, i went out of the Terminal easily and met my parents. On the journey back, I saw the Putrajaya Convention Centre I had my JPA interview, passed by IMU building which I will be entering in one and a half year later. I was simply tired and emo.

Went to Petaling Street (unplanned) with Waiping and my parents for Har(in cantonese,Prawn) wan tan and Lo Han Guo drink. After sending wai ping back, bathing, i could just fall onto the bed, mumbling:

Awesome ~ Cool ~ Shuai



我很珍惜这段5天4夜的旅程和缘分,即使回到学校以后我们没有机会再那么熟,没有时间每天在一起,回想起这段旅程,嘴角就会很反射性地上扬,心里感到很满足。在这趟Kuching之旅,认识了很多以前不熟的朋友,(还分得出Jon John跟Douglas),与同班的同学更进一步了解彼此,真是太有意义了。我很喜欢这一切,很珍惜,很感动。


敏 5篇游记,从24/5午 至 26/5傍晚

Wednesday, May 25, 2011


Xue Min’s translation for the title:
Footprints on Bumi Kenyalang

This is the title I wrote on everything about Sarawak trip, my organizer, my calendar, my alarm title, my planner…I was so excited when I talked about Sarawak trip with my housemates before Raya break last sem, editing the plan during end-of-sem 1 break, discussing with yaya on the day of Academic Briefing this yr, before/during/right after Finals. Even on the 1st and 2nd day in Kuching,I still possess this extraordinary High mood! The day I m mentioning below was a fulfilled day :)


13th destination: Semenggoh Wildlife Centre

I feel so thankful to Roland’s parents for sacrificing their weekend spending with us. Early in the morning, after having another bowl of Kolo Mee in Kuching, we headed to Semenggoh Wildlife Centre to see Orang Utan. As we know, Orang Utan, Hornbills and Rafflesia are the MUST see “living things” in Sarawak. During this trip,we were lucky to see many Orang Utan in the wildlife centre. An additional scene, Uncle drove Ten, Douglas, Yaya n me in his car during the journey. At the back seat, three of us were sleeping like a pig until we was awakened by a huge bump. What’s a great alarm! Haha..Uncle said we managed to see many orang utans this time than he could before. In the wildlife centre, the staffs just located some fruits like bananas and coconut on a platform and the orang utans would come to pick themselves. We also walked in 200m into another feeding site where we saw an enormous orang Utan (“Hot Mama”). There were many foreigners, taking photos, amazed by the smart creatures we have in the tropical rainforest of Malaysia. Haha..the two clever things I saw from the orang utans are: 1. They are flexible gymnast; 2. They stucked as many bananas into their mouth before leaving the platform so they could enjoy them on the rope.

14th destination: Annah Rais Long house, Padawan

This could be a more “valid” longhouse compared to the longhouses we visited in Cultural Village. Although it is commercialized (which we have to pay to visit), there are still ppl (probably bumiputeras) living, but with TV and Astro. We got a small glass of Tuak (Ibanese Rice wine) at the entrance and we walked past the houses until we reached the headhouse. 顾名思义,there are SKULLS inside the house. However, they weren’t that scary. They were just there in a white metal cage. Later, we walked on a wooden bridge which Matt shaken it. We also had our another experience walking on a single wood stair up the house. was just fun!

15th destination: Hotspring

I gotta scold yaya about this, she is totally a Blur Queen! We went back to the car THRICE and everyone had come up when we finally settled and wanted to dabble. 1st: “Oh, we should bring our slippers and change”; 2nd: “aiya! I left my handbag in the car!” walao..i just reminded her before that. We met Roland and he followed us back to the car; 3rd:”I think I didn’t lock the car...”!!! this time I was not following her back into the car. When she came back, she said “actually I did lock the car.haha..”felt like boxing her.

Undoubtedly,everyone has come up when we reached. Roland didn’t want to go into the water, yaya’s wearing skinny jeans. Playful me wouldn’t miss the chance and I dragged Ming to follow me down the water. The place was quite cool!i mean, there is a river flowing with cold water and there are three areas surrounded which are the Hot Springs!haha..i can stand with both the temperatures. Near my house at Bkt Belacan and Ulu Langat, the water is cooler and hotter.hihi..Uncle took some nice photos of me and Ming.thx,Uncle!

16th Destination: Jong’s Crocodile Farm

Jong’s Crocodile Farm is located quite far away from the Hotspring. It’s at 17 miles, near Ming’s house.we had our late lunch at Sugar Bun, a fastfood restaurant that could not be found in West M’sia. I couldn’t even finish a Fish Burger,what happened to my gastrointestinal system?? Luckily I have Ms.Vacuum Cleaner… ;) after all, when I visited Jong’s Crocodile Farm, I really gotta shout:

“I Hate CROCODILEs    but I like my crocs slippers :p

The first thing we rushed for was the Jumping Crocodile Show. It was actually crocodile feeding session. The staff (敢死队) hang a half chicken from the pondok and used reels to move the dead meat above the pond full of crocodiles. So now it’s Jump & Eat. The hungry crocodiles have to jump up to reach the meat. Two outcomes:

If they succeed, you could see the crocodile bites on the dead meat and pulls it down from the rope. Splash, the crocodile’s heavy body falls into the dirty pond water and it swallows the meat.

If they fail, you could also hear the splashing of water, but now with an additional voice of bloody mouth closing of crocodile. It simply sounds like knocking two wood planks. Plus, you have to worry that crocodile becomes too mad and start to attack person (though there was a fence between us and the disgusting crocodiles). I sincerely don’t think that it’s a suitable way to “feed” the crocodiles in a Joking way.btw, crocodiles are ugly creatures.

Jong is also a zoo. We saw many different animals in the huge compound there, for instance long fat fish during feeding session, sun bear, monkeys (common relatives), sambar dear (Roland’s relatives), peacock, an ostrich like bird (Chinese name:新几内亚食火鸡), otter, porcupine and a lot more. There is an exhibition showing crocodile pictures outside the zoo. I almost vomited when I saw the photo which a boy corpse missing one leg was found inside a crocodile body.(feel 恶心now). Luckily I am not going to be a doctor, cuz I heard someone said “你以后要成为医生,不可以怕这个的。” another excuse for not choosing Medicine ;P

17th destination: Ming’s Orchard

We have been talking about his orchard since sem 1, in INTEC and in Kuching. We oways say Ming is the Tauke Kia and now the Tauke Kia invited us to his orchard. The tauke (his dad) owns an orchard at 17 miles. He plants mainly honeydew and corns. There, tauke gave us briefing about the honeydew grows and taught us some basic how to pick the ripe honeydews. The technique is to choose the honeydew which has yellow area on its head and many rings on the skin. That will be the sweet one! According to tauke, his honeydew planting technique is imported from Taiwan.

Here’s a LAME truth:
Q: Why honeydew is known as 哈密瓜(har-mi-gua)?
A: Honeydew is actually a species arises from several species of melons. If a person doesn’t know something, what would he or she say? “Har Mi? (in Hokkien, means What) so,the name of Har-Mi gua is beautified and become a nicer name of 哈密瓜.hahaha..

Plucking Jagung is another fun process!everyone of us had the chance to pluck jagung using the scissors. It is relatively easy to pick the Jagung, just pick the one with big size! Eventually, everyone plucked more than one and we had more than enough corn for our BBQ dinner at Luke’s house at nite.

18th destination: Luke’s (babe) house

Luke’s parents invited us to their house at Kuching for BBQ dinner. Indeed, Luke’s dad had BBQ for us and what we gotta do was EAT n EAT n EAT!it was also a very sumptuous meal. There are fried noodles, lamb chops, fried squid, chicken wings, prawns, tapioca leaves, fruits and definitely Corns from Ming’s orchard.haha.. before the dinner ends, there’s a suprising moment. Luke and Matt prepared a birthday cake for Ming who is going to be 19th on the next day. Haha..i supposed Ming and his gf were surprised a and Ming blew all the candles in a breath! I spent my most formal party night at Luke’s house.Why did I say that?


Usually we would have an entertainment session for a party. For this party, we have awesome musical concert, performers starring Roland the violinist and Luke Ming the guitarists. Before they start, the rules are mentioned: pLz turn ur handphone to silent mode & all electronic devices, photography and videography are prohibited. (that’s how it became so formal) Roland the Pro started playing his pieces from pre- level to ATCL while commenting on how boring they were. He would be perfect without the talkings and luckily he cancelled out the “snoring” part he had during the “rehearsal” yesterday. Luke Ming, plus a radio (Luke’s bro) and a laptop (Luke’s cousin), theirs were more modern songs. Matt finally sang along and it ended up everyone sang. Wai Yee was so miserable that she hugged Jie Hui and cried.. I suppose everyone was sad at that moment cuz 6 of us were leaving the next day. We left before 1am (the radio and laptop shut down automatically at 12.30am). The moody feel made me more tired and sad.


这么快,计划了这样久的Bumi Kenyalang trip就要结束了。第一天还担心自己不能适应,转眼间第五天就要回家了。愉快的时光总是过得特别特别快。我们不能阻止它流过,只能把握当下,珍惜与朋友在一起的每一刻。

Johor的朋友明天就要回了,5个小时后,又轮到我飞,离开在Kuching的朋友。我会超想念、超想念你们的,虽然一个月多后我们又会在INTEC见面。我很认同Ek Wei讲的一句话:“在很大压力的INTEC,我们彼此依靠着对方。虽然回去会见面,但在INTEC和现在的感觉很不同”。虽然我是PBSM,我还有家庭的寄托,但她的话也让我感到很伤感~

more photos available at FB awesome-cool-SHUAI



Today my alarm rang punctually at 3.30am, but HTC owner woke up at only 3.45am.(Again,I was woke up the earliest today.plz give me a loud applause!) I rushed into the bathroom,I could hear Roland’s alarm rang at another side. Haha..thinking that I was late,I quickly bathed and woke jie hui n yaya up.when we finished everything, we suddenly realized that Roland Teo may not have woke up yet! Tried every method to wake him up, which includes texting, calling to trying to menceroboh his room via the bathroom door. I din really know how he woke up eventually, but I jz rmb that he spent less than 5 minutes preparing himself and took the position of driver.Awesome!

I sat at the front seat,my responsibility: keep Roland awake during the journey to Damai Beach. Haha..actually we just wanted to watch the sunrise at a place nearby there.Due to early sunrise in Sarawak we had to wake up that early to catch the glimpse before 6am! Haha..the journey was “Roland Coaster”,Bravo, he drove early in the morning/midnight, on a very small road towards Damai.Not many lamp posts and the roads are quite bumpy. So that’s how we reached the small Kampung without knowing which is the East to enjoy the sunrise =.=

1st time: wake up at 3.45am just to watch the sunrise

8th destination: Sunrise

A few problems we encountered here.
1.Which direction was East?

Okay,since the moon was on the other side,the opposite side would be east.

2.Where's the sun?

It was quite cloudy that morning. It was becoming brighter but we still couldn’t see the sun!

Suan le,we ended up taking a lot of photos. Utilizing the photography functions of my Nikon D3000 and HTC Incredible S.haha..did a lot of photography indeed.Jump shots! Now,it’s 6.XXam in the morning.

9th destination: Damai Beach

We paid RM3 as student to enter the Damai Beach owned by a resort nearby.the beach is much nicer than Tanjung Bidara,it was cooler and had quieter environment. Applying only a little sunblock, we played in the seawater. The sea here is a better swimming place because it is deeper than Tanjung Bidara. Yaya didn’t want to wet herself in the sea, so she became our photographer. There are some memorable scenes: 1) Jia Jia was trying hard to tell Luke impromptu story, adding all the lame essences into it, and I was the translator; 2)Yaya ran so fast because she didn’t want to be thrown into the sea by Roland and Matthew; 3) our AWESOME N COOL pose, I curved myself so hard to be a ‘S’;4) due to buoyancy,Roland’s big head cannot go under the water;5) Roland was buried in the sand and he was so ugly and crazy :P; 6)Matt and a few others were stung by Jellyfish. I was quite lucky being safe because I was just beside him when he was stung. Later,we bathed and have snacks as our lunch.

10th destination: Damai Cultural Village

This is the place that every tourist guidebook and tour package would include. Thanks to Roland’s mother,we paid for only RM15 to enter the cultural village,instead of RM60 that originally should be paid by foreigners and west M’sian.I expected to have a cultural show (n we made it just in time!),but it should be in a longhouse,not an air-conditioned place. We visited the tradisional houses of Bidayuh, Iban’s long house, Orang Ulu’s, Penan’s hut and also some familiar ones like Orang Melayu and Chinese. I was a little disappointed because I thought that there will be more professional people briefing us about the place instead of a few women and men in each house selling cakes or demonstrating. I also thought that there are plenty of interaction activities like dancing or sumpit which us the tourists can experience.Maybe I was just busy taking fault.. haha, however we had the chance to play with the Galah (not sure about the name,竹竿舞) and sang “Marry had a little lamb” while swinging under the Malay house.lame dao..

We went back to Kuching after being sunburnt for such a long time.we went to a food court and I had another one of my favourite food in Sarawak: Belachan Bee Hoon. I think my 口味变重,I like the heavy taste of the belachan. Roland said it was a Siamese type of food O.O okay..we oso had a very special mix of drink: Coconut + Sugar Cane. It was actually the coconut flesh not the juice I supposed. Besides that, we had Kwong Pia光饼 and Rojak. At the end, four of us (Luke,Jess,Zcho Huey n Me) finished up 10 kwong pias, 3 plates of Belachan Bee Hoon, 4 glasses of Coconut sugar cane drink and a plate of Rojak.Cool!

1st time: Coconut + Sugar Cane

It was a wonderful evening. After bathing, Roland Teo finally agreed to perform violin for us, his three guests.He broughtout his violin from the black case slowly, wiped the bow with Rosin patiently and us waiting eagerly.Finally he starts…

He started with a few songs which I couldn’t remember. I was touched when he played this. “Liang Shan Bo and Zhu Ying Tai” (梁山伯与祝英台).The words showing my feelings appear in my mind immediately when he starts playing :


Xue Min's translation: I am breathing Roland's music.
He played some typical pieces like Vivaldi’s Four Seasons and ATCL exam piece ( which starts with Eb,G,Bb). And a song Ya Shin likes when she heard while bathing. However, Roland ruined most of the songs’ endings including the one Yaya likes. I think he was just lack of practice which caused the violin sounded a little hard n not natural. Roland Teo,can u stop talking when u r playing? Is that ur “Roland Teo” style?

第一次:听张毓麟拉小提琴 :]

At night,Roland’s parents treat us seafood dinner at Topspot. Topspot is actually a space on the top floor of a parking building. All the stalls there are selling seafood! Roland’s parents have booked two tables and they ordered plenty of dishes for us. Before that,I tried my 1st Kedondong drink there.Quite nice,a little sour but not too sweet.Aunty even got us two kedondong fruits and it tastes like 猪母奶(in Hokkien). I was so full and I just realize that Wong Ya Shin is a potential vacuum cleaner!she ate so much and I think I just ate 3/5 of what she ate. The treat was awesome!we had prawns, sting rays, deer meat, Midin(a type of fern),La La jian, Black pepper crabs and I forgot liao. Thank you so much,aunty and uncle!

1st time: Buah Kedondong drink

11th destination: Kuching Waterfront

After fetching Roland’s bro,we went to Kuching Waterfront again. We were here yesterday, but now it was cool and more lively. There are people performing,singing, strolling, watching and us walking along the Sarawak River and taking photographs. We wanted to meet Matthew them but we were late, and Luke them were walking towards the different direction.haha.. It was so hard to take the night scenery of DUN and Astana across the river without the help of Tripod.(I should have bring them over ><).Uncle likes photography too and he told me some experiences in photography. Haha..Mr. Perfectionist Roland Teo was trying hard to take photo of DUN and Astana. The dimming light of DUN indicates that it’s 11pm at night.

12th destination: 101

101 is actually a food court near Roland’s house. This is where Kuching ppl have their Night Life, having supper and watching football match from the huge screen, like Mamak stall. We just went there for a while to feel the atmosphere. Everyone just order a drink and sat for a while.When we went back at night, everyone was so exhausted waking up at 3.45am or 4.30am in the morning! Tonight, jie hui n I fell asleep (yeah,my turn to sleep on the bed!) before Ya Shin came out from bathing and switched off the light.


今天真的真的很累,3点多起来!本来想赖床的,可是想到Roland那么负责任,他一定很早起来准备好的,我们怎么可以迟到呢?哈哈…虽然他最后成为最迟睡醒的,但还是很感谢他愿意早起载我们到Damai看日出。我们真的很ki siao咯!因为Matt的一句话,整帮人很早就爬起来,然后3辆车浩浩荡荡出发,却没有看到日出。很累但很开心!这就是我们趁年轻,还没上大学的时候可以做的“傻”事。感触,真高兴有你们这帮朋友。

Our gang of AWESOME


more photos at FB Awesome-COOL-shuai


5 20

I became the 1st one who woke up in the morning, unbelievable! That’s because I used to snooze my phone alarm for at least ½ hour or turn it off and sleep for another 2 hours at home. But now, I could bath and change my clothes before waking up Wong Ya Shin.Wahaha…this seems like Yaya is lazier than me! Haha.. so,we were punctual, we reached Carpenter Street as decided the night before at 9am. The hawker stalls are situated right opposite of a temple, between shop lots along a historical street. We were not very sure which food is famous here,cuz Matt was the one who suggested. Yup,Matt’s gang hadn’t turned up yet,15 min and 15 min delay, duno the actual time they reached. Then, half of us ordered Kolo Mee and another half ordered Sarawak Laksa.

1st time: Eat Kolo Mee and Sarawak Laksa

Kolo mee, erm…I think the texture is different from the mee we can find in West M’’s very pale yellow and it curls in different way. The kolo mee actually depends on how the chef cooks and the ingredients they have in the bowl. Today’s Kolo mee is with Char Siew and Char Siew oil. Sarawak Laksa,TOTALLY different with the yellowish-orange “santan”ish laksa we have in West M’sia. Why? There are a few differences.

  • The only type of starch Sarawak Laksa has is Bee Hoon. No kuey tiaw,no yellow noodle,just Bee Hoon.
  • The soup is just medium coloured red without much santan. For ours, yellow + red + orange. But both of them have similar laksa flavor.
  • The price for a normal bowl of noodle in Sarawak costs only RM3, though the bowl is not really big. For West M’sia, esp KL, I ordered a wantan mee before going to LCCT yesterday,it costs me RM4.5!
3rd destination: Main Bazaar

in front of bishop gate
We walked under the hot sun along Carpenter Street and took some photos at the Bishop Gate.Then we turned left, passing by a colourful cinema building into the Main Bazaar street. This is the souvenirs haven for tourists like us.There are lots of sarawakian style souvenirs range from ordinary keychains and fridge magnets to sumpit and antique.The patterns are almost the same for every shops, either with the tribes or animals like Orang Utan or Hornbills. Maybe u would like to get urself a piece of table cloth,or a jong kind of tradisional musical instruments.But for us,most of us bought bracelets at Luke’s friend’s shop.

4th destination: Chinese History Museum

5th destination: DUN and Fort Magheritta

Then, we walked along Kuching Waterfront. we visited a Chinese History Museum nearby while enjoying the air-conditioned environment for a while. The museum uncle was quite nice. Although it’s almost his lunch break,he still allows us to enter. Jia Jia them joined us there and we watched a short video about how Chinese migrated to Sarawak. Later,we managed to cross the Sarawak River using a “engine-oriented” Sampan. They said that there are crocodiles in the river. May not be reliable.hmm~ when we reached the opposite bank, we headed to DUN (Dewan Undangan Negeri) of Sarawak and Fort Magheritta. There is nothing much to see there. Just DUN isn’t that nice when look closer and Fort Magheritta is like an abandoned church. Then,we took a sampan back to Waterfront and hoped to fill our hungry stomach.

6th destination: Aquarium

Our lunch was not actually a lunch, it was just like a teatime because we ordered Char Kuey and Metahorn. Here pops another two new vocabularies of Sarawak Food. Char Kuey, Chinese translation maybe 炒粿,it’s an East Malaysia version of Lo Bak Go萝卜糕.it’s not really delicious compared to what the locals had a few days ago. Metahorn is a species of ABC (Air Batu Kacang),the difference is that it is more towards sour,not sweet. Luke and Yaya went to airport to fetch Yee Teng and Wai Ping who came from KL today. After the light meal, the other went to Sarawak Museum. However, while it was already 4.3Xpm, the museum was closed. Then we just spent some time visiting the aquarium nearby. Jess came and joined us for a while. I wanted to go for a walk before Luke came and fetched me in the park behind the aquarium,opposite St.Joseph, but didn’t have the time. Leaving Roland to drive his dad back from working in traffic jam, I followed Luke and M14 classmates to Civic Centre.

7th destination: Civic Centre

Another not in time visit. It’s a quarter past five and it is closed. So now it’s our Drama Queen time! “Excuse me,boleh kami pergi ke atas?” pointing at the lift asking the Jaga there. “Tak boleh.sudah tutup la,datang esok.” He said. Huh,we came all over here to go up the tower for Kuching Aerial view but now..we cannot miss the chance!Ming suggested we tell them that we are going back 2mr (a-huh,Ming is the liar). “kami datang dari Johor la, ingin ke atas tengok. Besok sudah nak balik la” “Besok datang pagi la,buka dari 9 ke 5””Besok? tak boleh la,hari ini last day di Kuching.Esok pagi pukul 10 kami sudah nak balik ke Johor”Encik,boleh lar,bagi kami ke atas tengok,sekejap sudahlah” Our tipu helah works! The jaga discussed with another man beside and finally they agreed to let us up for 5 minutes. Hihi..another three lucky ppl came and they followed us up to the tower. The lift scared me for a while when it went up,not really phobia. Above there,we see the alien buildings, Santubing & Serapi Mountains, Sarawak club and Sarawak River. What amazed us was actually Kuching is a very green city,there are still many trees scattered in Kuching. No wonder it’s peaceful and not polluted.

We went back to Spring Mall again and we bought two hampers for Roland’s and Luke’s family there. We also bought some snacks for tomorrow outing. Matt suggested that we go to watch Sunrise on the next morning! Ahah..then,we went to a tiny western restaurant “Fork and Knife” for our dinner. During the dinner, I kept laughing with Roland,Luke and Ek Wei.they kept mentioning “Main course” “main course””babe”…aiks~ after that,we went to a bakery n supermarket nearby. Oh ya,miss wong ya shin and jie hui crashed on each other there. Wong ya shin hurt her nose while jie hui hurt her chin. If I was involved,I would definitely hurt my forehead bcuz I m the shortest.

When we were back, Roland’s parents came in our room and chat v us. The topics include they studied together in Aus and why Roland doesn’t understand Mandarin well.hihi… Gain as much sleep as possible, tmr alarm: 3.30am


古晋的气候很热。但他不是Shah Alam那种燥热,也不是那种吉隆坡参杂着污染物的热潮。我们走很多,留很多汗;但我们也笑声很响,很热情。开始喜欢古晋,喜欢他的宁静,喜欢他的热与冷,喜欢他的很多很多。

more photos availale at FB AWESOME-cool-shuai


读者们好!现在我正式开始“撰写”我在Kuching五天四夜的旅程。提醒下,这篇只是一篇类似游记的post,体裁倾于记叙交错一点抒情。对于不会看汉字的朋友(hihi…)请用Google Translate,若意思不清楚,请直接向我询问。说不定,我还能告诉你字面下更深一层的意思呢!好,现在我“聪明反被聪明误”的HTC告诉我现在Kuching的天气是:Mostly Cloudy with Thunderstorm 26°C,我听着在Kuching听到要呕的Hitz FM,开始我的文章。


我第一次自己乘坐飞机!虽然只是相隔1 ¾小时的古晋,但这也是我的成就,第一次没有跟父母呢。其实我并不是很愿意的,都是黄雅欣的错,她确确实实地“放我飞机”,无言。算了,反正我已经安全抵达,(也安全回到家)。哈哈…


到了Kuching International Airport,等Johor的人抵达,也等Roland来接我们。突然我收到一通电话,Ming竟然已经在等我们了。走出去,我又看到玲艳。有点惊讶,怎么好像没有跟着plan走酱。然后Luke又来了,很乱水下~ Roland来的时候好象很不高兴酱,他说如果已经有安排driver来机场在我们,那他就不用来了啦!哇,我跟雅欣有点被吓到,他这个样子很少看到的leh。幸亏过后没有怎样,我们还是一样38 ;p

1st destination: Kuching Spring Mall

古晋最大的Shopping Complex:Spring Mall,建立在South Kuching(如果没有记错)。我们在古晋的第一餐酒在那里的food court解决,哈哈…那里好像迷你版的Pavillion酱,有很多品牌店如Timberland、Espirit、The Face Shop等,只是没有Pavillion酱高档。第一餐Wendy Jie Hui Yaya 和我order了不同的四样食物:福州红酒米线、Teppanyaki Chicken、Nyonya Kueh和较普通的鸡饭。福州红酒面线味道有点不够(Jie Hui还嫌淡),其他也不会很特别很好吃,这只是一间food court。接下来我们在SpringMall里面走一走,佳佳他们竟然说要看Pirates…哇,我们来古晋不是要看戏的啦,是要玩的!过后他们还甚至去唱K,晕倒~ 所以呢,聪明的我就提出一个好主意,反正Roland五点要去载他爸爸放工,我和雅欣就跟着去咯。我们先到一间运动店修他的羽球牌,然后才载uncle.Uncle跟Roland长得不像,可是他也很亲切,问我们从哪里来呀等等。然后我们到了Roland家,跟公公婆婆打招呼,在他的客厅坐了一会儿(过后几天都没有机会/时间进客厅了)。上去“我们”的房间,哈哈…Roland很慷慨地让出他的房间让我们睡,他则和弟弟一起睡。谢谢你。搬了东西上去,洗个脸休息下,我们就下去了。这时,Roland的妈妈回来了,aunty很好,还提议我们到附近的Taman Sahabat走走。道别后,我们向另一个景点出发。
2nd destination: 马中友谊公园=Friendship Park=Taman Sahabat

看到富有中国风的入口,我还以为我们沿参观一间寺庙。在入口处,Roland泊车后,就帮我和雅欣拍照。哈哈…里面还蛮大的,我们就到处走走拍照,靠在柳树、在亭子里、桥、背对着夕阳,Roland 很乐意帮我们拍照,只是他不想入镜。真奇怪,在住宅区中竟然有一个旅游景点,可是当地的人也有在那里跑步拍拖,不会太commercial。走着走着,我们走到一座很大的雕像前,从后面看很像是龟壳。我猜是郑和,不用讲啦,中国跟马来西亚的关系就是从郑和开始。核实下的确没有错,yaya竟然不懂他是谁,她sejarah读不熟瓜~又是一阵拍照,突然有两个黑人女生走过来… …

迷魂党吗?我很怕,逼自己保持清醒,同时顾着自己的bag和相机等。她们先上前来与我们打招呼,握手问我们叫什么名。然后才开始正题:Do you know who is Jesus? 哦,原来是传教士酱的,(过后Roland告诉我她们其实是在这里Inti的学生)。然后她们开始问我们从哪里来、是什么宗教,说了Jesus、基督教的好处,讲讲讲,我们也尽量敷衍她们。有一点好笑的是,当她们问我们从哪里来,我回答“Peninsular”,她们摇头说不知道这个地方。原来这不是她们孤陋寡闻,而是我的错,我应该回答West Malaysia,这边很少说Peninsular Malaysia.这样也好,至少可以摆脱她们。

终于,佳佳那边唱完K看完戏了,我们就去吃晚餐。我们去一个Open air的地方,matthew他们已经到了,叫了Tomato mee、satay和饮料。我order了Sarawak的一种饮料:Whitelady。听这个名字,我把它想象成一种用山水制成的饮料,很神话下。结果,Whitelady 是:


过后matthew又叫了一大盘Char Kuey Tiaw。很特别的是,这边的kuey tiaw竟然是甜的。听说他们用甜酱煮面,所以把应该是咸的kuey tiaw变甜了>.<怪怪的。吃完后,我们又回到Taman Sahabat,因为刚才他们还没有来过,只有我们3个参观过而已。与上次不同的是,刚才的是黄昏的景色,这时是晚上。哇,这次我发现Luke的lameness!看他平时上课认真到,很少流露出的lameness竟然完全暴露了,被他重重炸到!哈哈…lame Luke babe.

才过最多两个小时,我们又去吃,宵夜!还没有消化完呢,可能Kuching人的胃口就是那么大,尤其是matthew.我很喜欢吃烧米(Shiow Bi),它的texture很像烧米(Siew Mai),只是它比较大粒,比较多猪肉。我们也有吃猪肉圆粥,比较起午餐和晚餐,我比较喜欢这顿宵夜,只是肚子塞不进了。哈哈… 各自回家前,Matt提议明早9AM到Carpenter Street吃早餐(这绝对是伏笔)。回到Roland家,冲凉收拾下,记录下写blog的材料,就睡了。


I like the sunset here.

more photos available at FB: AWESOME-cool-shuai